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Friday, January 28, 2011

Finished- Finally

Well today marked another celebration in this Cancer Business!  Yes I do believe it is a business and a lot of people are making big money keeping people like me healthy.  That's a business I like!   I had 2 internal radiation treatments this week and that finished up my main "treatment plan".  I will see my radiology oncologist in Effingham in the next couple of weeks and then will see my regular doctor In Evansville at least every 3 months.  Really I think this has been the easy part.  Making life style changes is very difficult, even when facing cancer.   Eating differently, and I mean completely different is a part of my routine.  I am trying to have the majority of my foods in the good for you plant raw form.  Smoothies and Juicing makes this easier  Don't get me wrong, if I feel like a big mack I will have one, I just wont have one everyday!   I am ashamed to say that I have not started exercising yet, that's next on my list.  I thought of spring the other day and thought to myself, I cant wait to get to the tanner.  Another big no-no!   Making changes as I can and not getting too stressed out about it! 

Moving on

I have often thought about how I am going to feel after my treatments are over.  Today I worry, what if they didn't get it all or what if it comes back.  Those 2 fears will be with me forever.  They are both possibilities that I will have to deal with if they become realities.  My life I have learned is so precious, as well as my wonderful friends and family!  The lemonade of this situation is that I needed to get knocked in the head to realize it.  OK you all say you know that already.  Trust me you REALLY know it when faced with Cancer!

Its time to go back to work, start planning for Lucas surgery and planning for all the fun things we will do this summer!   Its really good to know that there is a really good chance I will be around this summer!

Life has changed for me, the way I take care of myself has to be different!   I want to teach my children about "paying it forward"!    So I am hoping that my blog will no longer focus on Cancer and will be more positive!
For those of you reading please think about someone in need and what you could do for them.  It may be a lonely widower living next door, it could be a child in need, it could be helping Olney with the fireworks!  Whatever you choose, just choose something and go for it.  Encourage those you help to do the same.  This really can make a difference in our world!  God Bless

Saturday, January 22, 2011

OREOS verses Raw Vegies!

Well the changes I am trying to make have been easy so far!  The smoothie with the beet is really good.  I did add a banana, I needed a little more sweetness.  The kids loved it as well.  Yesterday, I focused my diet mainly on plant form food, however I did not pass up a bowl of chili I fixed the kids for lunch.  Finally got bounce in my step.  Side effects are mostly gone away.  I hope they don't come back after next weeks treatment but I will get through them if they do.  I am so looking forward to getting back to work!  Boy do I appreciate my job, my clients and especially my co-workers whom I consider my friends.  Oh, I forgot to tell you I also had to have 1 oreo cookie yesterday. LOL  I don't ever plan on completely giving up things I love, I am just not eating the whole box of oreos anymore!   Plus I will never pass on my mothers wonderful cooking or my dads fried fish!  There are some things in life that are too wonderful to give up!

I am so grateful for the cards, emails, facebook messages I have received lately.  Cancer has done a lot of positive things for me!  I look at things a lot different.  Water off a ducks ass as my friend would say!
God Bless and Have a Wonderful Day!

OK I lied it was more than one oreo!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Crazy Sexy Cancer Diet?

Well I have a reason to be motivated.  Of course there is the cancer thing, there is the heart thing, there is the fat thing! Need I say more?    Kris Carr was on Good Morning America earlier this week.  It was actually the first time I had seen her on TV.   She is the author of "Crazy Sexy Cancer" and "Crazy Sexy Cancer Diet".   She is an inspiration to anyone who has cancer.  8 years ago she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.  She immediately started researching what she could do for her body to get better.  8 years later she still has cancer but is doing great!   The basics of her "diet" is to have mainly raw plant form food in your diet!   So I will be headed to walmart today to experience the section of the store I am rarely in, The fruit and Vegetable section!   I am getting a juicer (thanks to my pall Patty).  I started out my day with a wonderful fruit smoothie!  The recipe follows this post.  Not only is it easy and  good for you it taste great!  Everyone should give it a try.  Don't tell the kids its good for them, mine love this smoothie!   For lunch I am going to load up with a spinach salad, a lot of water and might indulge in another smoothie!  Looking forward to trying the nectar of the goddess (recipe to follow) as well.   Kris Carr says she drinks it every morning.  She says the juice is the secret to good health, abundant energy, and overall glow!  We've all got to at least give it a shot!
This is my plan on this day of motivation, I hope it last and I will let ya all know how it goes!  By the way, I don't ever intend on completely eliminating fun foods that I love!   My diet is just about balancing, not eliminating.    Have recorded my weight (hell no I'm not going to share it) and I will let ya know if I start loosing and feeling better!   I'm challenging anyone who is reading this to do a little research, start eating in some healthy way!  It may just save your life!  God Bless

Nectar of the Goddess                                                   Becky's Fruit Smoothie
2 Cucumbers                                                                2 bananas
Celery                                                                          2 cups frozen or fresh blackberries
Broccoli Stalks                                                             1 cup fresh orange juice
Sweet Pea Sprouts                                                       1 TBLS  Honey
Kale                                                                             Ice
2 Pears                                                                           

Put ingredients in the juicer and enjoy!               Put ingredients in the blender and Enjoy!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Month 4 of this Cancer Business!

Well, Ive made it this far!  As I get further a long in this process, my attitude is diminishing.  Or shall I say its very poor!  Physically I have felt worse than I ever have since my diagnosis.  My children seem to realize more that something is going on.  Payton our youngest, asked me the other day why I wasn't working!  We have not really said the C word to the kids.  I don't think that is necessary in our situation.  They know that a lot of times they need to be quieter than normal and they do the best 4 and 6 year olds can do.  In the last few days the side effects of the radiation seem to be at their worst.  Since the radiation was in my pelvic area, you can just imagine what all it has affected.  I have had a lot of pain in the last few days plus these were the first days that I actually have not done much because of not feeling well.  I missed my first entire deer season ever!  That really pissed me off!    As I was getting ready to go to a baby shower I realized I just could not do it!  A family member was kind enough to tell me how messy my house was.  OK it is and its driving me crazy, does that person actually think this cancer has caused me to go blind as well?   I am easily agitated and very tired.  I have cried more in the last few days than I ever have during this ordeal.   I hate relying on my husband to run my errands etc.   I want things done when I want them done and that hasn't been happening!   Overall things the last couple of days have really sucked.  My plan for Tuesday is to actually get dressed, pretty up and try to get out of the house.   I will just make sure bathrooms are close and take plenty of pain meds ,lol!

Now that was only 1/2 of my story.   The other side, the side that keeps me going is my friends.  These are girls whom have family's, full time jobs and busy lives.   They are throwing a benefit for mine and Lucas medical bills.  My friends and parents are what keeps me going.   Every time I get a call about the benefit, read who's coming, see who's donated, or who has just sent a note I cry like a new born baby.   Some of the people that have reached out to me, I have not seen in 20 years!  Now that's pretty cool.  Friends have went to the pharmacy for me, helped me pickup the house, helped me sell candles etc.  Everyone I know has offered help in some form or another! Although this isn't my official thank you, I just have to say Thank You to a wonderful group of friends!  I would never make it through this without you!  If I didn't have all of you my attitude might be a lot worse!  God forbid!   I'm not blogging anymore until I have something positive to say!  God Bless

Friday, January 14, 2011

Good Bye Radiation!

Yesterday was a day I will remember forever.  The last day of radiation, internal radiation anyway.   I celebrated with my friend Melody eating the best cupcakes I have ever eaten.  The next part of my treatment will be internal radiation.   The cancer center that I received my external treatment from does not do the internal treatment.  I chose to get the internal treatment in Evansville.   It will be 2 weeks from now and will consist of 2 different days of treatment.  They tell me I will be at the center for several hours and that the actually treatment will only last about 15 min!    Anyway its a happy day!  I have completed 2 parts of my 3 part treatment.  Its almost over!   

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Almost done! Thank the dear Lord!

Well 2 more days of external radiation left!  Then on to the internal radiation.  Not looking forward to the internal but you do what ya have to do.  A few weeks ago, I would walk into the Cancer treatment center and some of the people looked really sick.  I thought to my self, I don't feel bad, Ive still got bounce in my step, I'm not like THOSE people.  Well today I am just like all of those people.  I feel like Ive been ran over a truck, continue to be in the bathroom every 5 minutes and continue to burn in places I would rather not.  This day has went by without getting anything done.  I cant remember what was on my so important get done list anyway.  Its another feel sorry for myself day!  In a few hours I will feel better especially after I have complained a few minutes!  To those of you reading I really do hope you take something from what is going on in our life!  That's really why I am writing about it.  I have learned the valuable lesson of whats important in life, and most of us are way off track most of the time!

Friday, January 7, 2011


A lot of you have asked me about Lucas and his upcoming surgery.    I thought I would share a little about him.  He loves being outdoors, has a wonderful sense of humor and is a little mischievous.   In the summer he will spend hours in the garden, or just in the dirt.  He loves to plant things and watch them grow!  He is actually very good at it.  He loves to swim and spend time in the woods in the summer.  He is all about riding on his grandpas 4 wheeler and has became a pretty good fisherman. 

Lucas and his twin sister were born premature so they stayed in the hospital for a while when they were born.  They were small but fine when we brought them home.   I often think of Lucas and his little mischievous smile even when he was a few weeks old.  When we took him for his followup with our family doctor, his first official doctors appointment in this world, the doctor noted a heart murmur.  He immediately referred us to Prairie Heart Institute in Springfield.    The doctor at PHI informed us that Lucas had Atrial Septal Defect (a hole in his heart) and Pulmonary Stenosis.  He recommended no treatment at that time stating that sometimes the hole closes on its own.  Lucas has saw his Dr. Nick yearly since then with no changes.  At his last appointment, the week I found out I had Cancer by the way, Dr. Nick said it was time to do surgery.   I was actually shocked.  At every other yearly exam he had said things are fine we will see ya in a year.  The doctor explained to us that since the hole had not closed on its own at this time that it would never close on its own.  Repairing the hole will fix the pulminary stenosis as well, or so that is my understanding.  Due to my health issues, the doctor scheduled Lucas surgery on Feb. 25th.   He will have his surgery at St. Louis Childrens Hospital.  It is my understanding that he will only be in the hospital for a day or two.  Then recoup at home.   So keep my little Lucas in your thoughts and prayer!  We love him so very much and will be glad when this surgery is all over and all is well!

Dont take life too seriously!

Today was another busy day in the life of this Cancer business.  I started out the day getting radiation in Effingham at 8:30 this morning.  I rushed home and picked up my chauffeur for the day, Mom.  We then headed to Evansville!  Keep in mind I am having a few embarrassing to say the least side effects!  I tried not to eat all day to avoid any problems.  Those of you that know me well know that that is almost impossible for me to do.  Food is really one of my favorite things.  Anyway I ate a little and spent most of my site seeing today in various bathrooms in Evansville.  For you ladies out there, have you ever had to get a pap smear when you were having diarrhea.  Horrifying!  The second doctor I saw today was a new Radiology Oncologist.  He will be doing my internal radiation.  Internal radiation will be done at 2 different sessions and the process will take about 2 hours.  It wont be the most pleasant 2 hours I have spent, but it will be worth it.    Then I headed off to see my new gynecologist!    Another pap test!  By the end of the day my head was spinning and I am exhausted.  My side effects are hopefully at their worst, extreme burning, problems with seeing too many bathrooms, and extreme exhaustion.   But the countdown is on, to being done that is.  I am looking forward to going back to work as soon as possible.   Then my focus will be on Lucas who will be having heart surgery on February 25th!    Still trying to keep the stress level down, trying to focus on whats important and not taking life to seriously!    A wonderful man that I have worked with for 20 years has always said "Don't take life to seriously and don't ever take it personally".   Every day I fight to be as positive as I can and focus on all the good in the world, I hope you all do the same!  God Bless and Thanks Dr K!