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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cancer Schmancer!

           I cant help but give the nanny, Fran a little credit.   I recently read her book about her experience with uterine cancer called Cancer Schmancer.   It was so funny, honest and educational.  The reason I have decided to blog about my experience basically came from Fran.   I want to hopefully help others from my experience.

         It took Fran over 2 years and 8 different doctors for her to be diagnosed with uterine cancer.   That is just not acceptable.  She had been literally bleeding for 2 years without ever getting the one test she needed that could detect uterine cancer.     The following is a hopefully shortened version of my story!    In case you get bored with my ramblings please just remember to pay attention to your bodies,  don't worry about sounding like a hypochondriac-TELL YOUR DOCTOR EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!

    For those of you still interested I would like to say some of the names in my  story are changed to protect the guilty and or innocent, I will  leave that up to you to decide for yourself!                                                                                                                                      

  In 2004 Charlie and I became the lucky parents of twins.   For a twin pregnancy it was pretty normal, no major complications.  The twins were premature, however came home soon after they were born.  In 2006  we had another daughter.  Again a pretty normal pregnancy,  she was full term, however had a low birth weight.   I had my children at the ages of 39 an 37.  By the way waiting till you are older to have children is a common risk factor for uterine cancer.  I chose not to breast feed, another risk factor for uterine cancer.

   After our third child was born I went to my gynecologist ( I will just call him Dr. D) as directed.  Then at my next yearly exam he told me all was good and I did not need to see him for 2 years!  Sounded good to me, I mean who likes that kind of exam anyway.  2 years sounded great.   I went about my busy life with no symptoms for a year or so.  I apologize for being so vague, but I really cant remember when this all started.  I honestly did not take my early symptoms seriously.  After all I am at "that age" you know!

My symptoms started out with my periods getting longer and heavier.  Please keep in mind for those of you still reading this I am not a doctor, some things I call symptoms may not have been related, I am only mentioning the ones that I believe were symptoms.   I would have what I would call a discharge alot of days in between periods.   My legs began hurting a lot, especially at night.  I had some lower back pain as well.   It never entered my mind to tell him about the leg pain or back pain, both symptoms of cancer.  At my 2 year appointment, I mentioned the spotting and bleeding.    We discussed options and possible reasons for this.  As I recall cancer was never mentioned and it never entered my mind, well not uterine cancer anyway.  As luck would have it my pap test came back as abnormal.  Pre cancer cells on my cervix I was told.   A biopsy was done on my cervix and Dr. D. called me stating it was fine.  He stated we should wait 6 months and do another pap test.   6 months later I went and saw Dr. D again and he performed another pap test.  This is when things in my life start getting interesting to say the least!  During my appointment I informed him that my bleeding was worse and that I was bleeding more days than not.   After performing the regular pap test, Dr. D. decided a biopsy of my uterus was a good idea.  He tells me that it will hurt a little.  Ok my friends who are still reading, it hurt worse than labor pains, it was horrifying.  I could not sit still.  Dr. D. decided that he could not perform the test in his office because "the patient was not tolerating the test well".    He announced with me still sitting on the table still butt naked that he would have to put me in the hospital because "you may very well be dieing from cancer".   The room started spinning.  I honestly did not think I could get dressed and I am not sure how I did.  Then things started going in slow motion.  Did he say what I thought he said?  That was all I could rationally think.  Keep in mind up until this point the thought of having anything wrong other than a few "pre cancerous cells" on my cervix had not entered my mind.  Now I am dieing of cancer.  Dr. D. seemed angry and this concerned me as well.  I pointed this out to him and pointed out that he had scared me!  He immediately started drawing on a pamphlet or something, I honestly have no idea.  He was trying to explain the possibilities to me but I did not hear a word he said.  All I heard him say was that I am dieing of cancer.  WTF  Then Dr. D. offered me 2 dates to go into the hospital for a biopsy of my uterus.   The dates seemed far away due to the "fact" that I was dieing.  I chose the first one and left his office in a blur!  

I cried for about 2 days after that appointment.  I talked to whoever would listen.  Spent hours on the Internet trying to figure out how Dr. D. new I was dieing of cancer.  Other doctors, assured me that from what was done in the office that day, Dr. D. could not have known for a fact that I was dieing.  OK this made me feel better. 

After a few days and with a little encouragement, I decided to make a formal complaint against Dr. D.  I wrote a letter, tried not to be personal but it was.  Then I took my letter to the powers that be and told them my story.  My goal was to point out that this behavior was unacceptable from a doctor and all patients deserve better.  I may have gotten my point across, I may have made a fool out of myself.  In the end I am glad I did it.    The "powers that be"  set me up with another doctor whom I would see in a few days.  I was happy with that and agreed.  This new doctor met with me and got me into the hospital for my biopsy quickly.  We will call this doctor Dr. S.   Dr. S was kind, funny and explained things well.  I still felt uneasy and scared.    The biopsy went well or so I thought.  I had no pain and actually went to Holiday World 2 days after.    Dr. S. came into my room and creatively said she had "removed some clumpy stuff" from my uterus.  I felt relieved.  OK she removed this clumpy stuff, I am going to be fine.  On with life.   NOT

I phoned Dr. S the next week while driving in my car to get my results.  The nurse came on the line and asked me to come into the office.  I new deep in my heart the doctor did not have good news.    It was cancer she explained.  She new the grade of the cancer was a 2 out of 3.  She could not tell a stage.  That would be done during the full hysterectomy that I was going to need.    OK  time to cry for a few more days.

Four weeks later I received a full hystercomy by a robot, yes a robot.   Everyone that needs a hysterectomy should google this, read about it and choose this type of surgery.  It was wonderful, I had no pain after surgery.  I healed quickly.  It was wonderful!   After surgery I was informed by my husband and mother that the cancer had moved into my cervix and due to this I would need radiation treatments.  Due to a very small amount of cancer being in my cervix my cancer was a stage 2 cancer, again not what I was expecting.    My treatments have began as I am writing this is day 4 of 25 days of external radiation.  I then will receive 3 days of internal radiation.    After that, well I am not worried about after that.  I have today to focus on. 

Again the reason I am sharing is to hopefully keep this from happening to even just one person.  The following would be my advice:   

Don't be afraid of your doctor, tell them your symptoms and really pay attention to your body.

I spoke with others about my symptoms and heard several times "Its just your age".  My symptoms weren't normal for my age, however a lot of people think different. 

If you have ANY abnormal bleeding call your doctor. 

I had the following symptoms that I have learned are all symptoms of uterine cancer:
Lower back pain
Pain in my legs

I met almost all of the risk factors for uterine cancer and had never even thought about this type of cancer!

Women need to be more educated about female cancers.   Most women feel safe if their yearly pap test is good.  Uterine cancer is not detected in a pap test.

If Uterine Cancer is caught early it is completely treatable.

I hope this has been helpful to someone!   I plan to share my story with anyone who is interested.  I will keep you all posted!  God Bless

1 comment:

  1. finally got caught up on your blog. I am so glad that you are writing about your journey. I did not know that uterine cancer is not detected by a pap. You are right women need to be more educated about female cancers and not afraid the question the docs. --connie
