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Monday, March 8, 2010

Critters in the yard

I am not sure if it is spring or what, but lately we have seen lots of CRITTERS in the yard. Of course being an "outdoor girl" I kind of enjoy this. It doesn't matter if its a Coyote or a possum, it just thrills me to see it. Trying to pass this "thrill" on to my children is really fun. This past Saturday, we had a possum in the field in front of our house. With all my outdoor girl enthusiasm I ran to get the kids. Lucas was happy to see this strange little critter and it (the critter that is) immediately climbed up a tree about eye level with me. So I went to get my "outdoor daughters" that were in the "indoors". Payton just looked at this ugly little thing and I could tell she really wondered what all the fuss was about. Sydney came running out of the house, up to the tree, all out of breath and with all the excitement she had said "THAT IS THE BIGGEST MOUSE I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" OK I do beleive it is time for the ready girls to spend a little more time in the woods. Oh do I love those moments!