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Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy St. Patricks Day!

    Well St.Louis has been interesting to say the least.  We arrived on Wednesday hoping to rest and relax before Lucas preop on Thursday!  Checked into the hotel, got some dinner and headed to the pool.  The indoor pool at the hotel is also the outdoor pool.  Lucas loved swimming through the divider and going outside.  The weather has been wonderful.  We enjoyed our first evening of relaxing.

  Thursday we headed to the Children's hospital for pretesting for Luke's surgery on Friday.  He got chest xrays, an EKG and a sonogram.  As always Luke was a trooper!  The day of testing went well and we decided to go to the zoo for the last hour and 1/2 it was open.   Well not paying much attention to all the traffic, assuming it was normal, and all the people running around in green.  We aren't very observant I guess!  I had totally forgotten it was St. Patricks day!  Even after spending hours with the twins building Leprechaun traps, I still forgot!  It took 30 minutes to get near the zoo and it was packed.  I am told that the biggest parade and celebration that St. Louis has was happening today.  Of course we missed it!  

  We headed back to the hotel for dinner and another swim!   Then Lucas and his daddy started playing a game on the computer that I thought would never end!

  Friday morning we arrived at the hospital for Lucas surgery.  Dr. Nich, as we like to call him, came into talk to us about the possibilities.  All those things that parents don't like to hear.  Then they always add in statistics.  I tell ya, I have had my fill of statistics.  I really don't want to hear about them anymore!  Well this surgery was to be 90 something percent effective.  There was a 15 percent chance that they could not repair the hole in his heart.  Sounded good to me, both STATISTICS were on our side!

  After the surgery Dr. Nick informed us that Lucas had 3 holes, 2 that we did not know about.  He said this type of surgery could not fix the holes.  Lucas will have to have Open Heart Surgery in May!  So much for Statistics!  As I write Lucas is resting well, not moving and on some good medications to keep him that way!  I have read 1/2 of a novel and ate everything I could afford in the vending machine!  Charlie is sound asleep!

I have faith that Lucas will be OK, but I am horrified at the thought of him having open heart surgery!  But we keep doing what we need to do!   Enough Already!

1 comment:

  1. I know after this is all over, you will noever want to set foot in a hospital ever again
